Sunday, May 29, 2016

AGE of Tamriel Preview PDF

I have been meaning to do this for quite some awhile now, but never put time aside to do it. Well today is that day! Here is a PDF showing the current state my AGE of Tamriel project is in: AGE of Tamriel Preview PDF

It sits at 89 pages and shows off the look I'm thinking of using. To be honest though, I'm thinking of dropping the page background/color scheme and going with simple black-white-grey colors. Makes for easier for printing, reading, and writing. But I will leave that until I am nearing the end before re-doing anything further.

As I am still in the process of writing this, everything in here is either a placeholder/reminder, or just the initial ideas I have written down and tinkering with. Everything is subject to change or removal. The only parts that are "complete" are the sections on Character Races and Starting Equipment.


Unknown said...

It looks so cool. Make it more! By the way, you must see this classless homebrew. I think it's better than multiclasses.

D said...

Thanks. I am aware of those rules and Draco Druid's free-form rules. They do seem like a better fit then my multiclassing rules. However, at the moment I want to concentrate on writing out the rest of the materials before going back and tinkering with what is already there.